Rooted Initiative

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
Colossians 2:6-7

Our Rooted Vision

God has done big things through City of God, and He has even more in store for us. We have established deeper and deeper roots in this community, which has resulted in tremendous growth. Rooted is a generosity initiative through which we will fund the two-year ministry plan of our church while also setting the resources in place to facilitate the purchase of the first permanent home of City of God. Together we will each consider the sacrificial commitments God would have us make as we become Rooted in Him and this exciting next chapter for our church.

What is the Rooted Initiative About?

Our Next

As we continue to grow, we need to be prepared for this next exciting chapter for City of God. A larger ministry center is necessary to serve the needs of the growing base of people and families we are now reaching. The first component of our Rooted Initiative is to have the resources in place to facilitate the purchase of the first permanent home of City of God.

Our Now

From day one, we have been a church that glorifies God by making disciples who love Jesus, love people, and advance the gospel. As we set aside resources for our first church home, we must make sure we keep the main thing, the main thing. The second component of our Rooted Initiative is to fund the two-year ministry plan of our church so that we continue to do all of the ministries we do now with even greater excellence.

The Rooted Goals

Our Primary Goal

100% Engagement

The most important part of this initiative is that we do it together. Each of us, in our own financial context, would consider the sacrificial commitment God would have us make to this Rooted Initiative. We want every person who calls City of God their church home to be a part of this.

Our Giving Goal


Through this initiative, we will fund the two-year ministry plan of our church, while also setting the resources in place to facilitate the purchase of the first permanent home of City of God.

Our Next - $1,000,000

Our Now - $1,500,000

What's Next?


Pray that God will work in the hearts of His people at City of God and that we will listen with the intent to obey.


The primary goal of this initiative is 100% participation. That begins with your decision to listen to God and make a sacrificial commitment to this Rooted Initiative that will take your faith to a whole new level in your generosity.


We also need you to stand with us in support of this initiative and lend your influence of others to do the same.


God is going to do some amazing things as we launch this initiative. Let's be poised and ready to celebrate in all of these in a big way.