Serve with Us

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace..." (1 Peter 4:10). 

There are plenty of ways to begin serving at City of God Church. You can find out more about specific opportunities below. If you can't find the answer to your specific question, contact us. 

Hospitality Team

Worship services at City of God would be impossible without the hard work of our hospitality team. Volunteers arrive early or stay late to set up chairs, prepare communion, hang lights, and anything else that might be needed on a particular Sunday. 

Click here to volunteer on the hospitality team

Children's Ministry

Volunteers in children's ministry play a key role in giving our children an opportunity to hear the gospel. Opportunities on this team include: caring for babies and toddlers, teaching older children, being a room volunteer, and helping with setup.

Request more info about the Children's Ministry

Prayer Team

The prayer team works behind the scenes, praying for people as requests are made. This is an incredible way to bless and minister to our church body. 


A/V Team

This team plays a critical role on Sunday mornings. They arrive early to help the worship team set up, oversee the sound and projection system during the service, and help us tear down after service.

Request more info about the a/v team

Worship Team

The worship team leads City of God Church through song on Sunday mornings. Members of this team will be expected to: attend a weekly practice, complete any preparatory work prior to Sunday, come early appropriately dressed, and be willing to stay late for any necessary tear down. We hold annual auditions for this team. If you are interested in serving in worship, please email    directly.

City Movers

City of God regularly has members who are on the move. Helping someone move can be anything from carrying boxes, to sweeping floors, to taking care of a pet for a few hours. 

Request more info about city movers