Become a Member

Want to become a member of City of God Church?

We’re excited that you may be considering COG as the place you want to belong! Our membership class is the place to hear about what we believe, and who we are as a church, and is a great opportunity for us to get to know you!

Here is what you can expect:

There are 3 sessions on Monday nights - the class is offered twice a year, fall and spring

  • There are 3 sessions on Monday nights - the class is offered twice a year, fall and spring
  • Each class last about an hour and a half
  • Session 1: God & the Gospel
  • Session 2: Jesus & the Church
  • Session 3: Covenant Membership
  • After the last session, you will be contacted by an elder to schedule an interview to affirm your membership, or provide the necessary next steps toward membership.

Why is church membership important?

This is a common question in our culture today. However, there are some practical and important reasons for becoming a formal member of a church: 

  • Elders are commanded to care for a specific flock (Ac. 20:28)
  • Members are commanded to follow their specific leaders (Heb. 13:17)
  • Membership provides a structure for discipleship (Jn. 13:34; Eph. 4:15-16)
  • Membership creates a system for church discipline (Matt. 18:15-17)
  • Membership affords a structure of pastoral shepherding (1 Tim. 5:9-10)

Ultimately, Membership helps a church keep track of people and their needs. Specific situations can require certain care. Being in covenant with a church helps to provide relational association that facilitate greater attention to those needs. People and pastors share a greater connection when a structure for membership is in place. 

View our events page to see when the next Membership class will be offered.

Have questions? Contact us